Kotlin language
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/rahulchaube1/
# Kotlin Notes
## 1. **Introduction to Kotlin**
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains. It is fully interoperable with Java and is used for Android development, server-side development, and more.
### Key Features:
- Concise syntax
- Safe null handling
- Extension functions
- Coroutines for asynchronous programming
- Interoperability with Java
## 2. **Basic Syntax**
### Hello World Example
fun main() {
println(“Hello, World!”)
### Variables
Kotlin supports two types of variables:
- **Immutable (read-only) variables** using `val`
- **Mutable variables** using `var`
val name: String = “Kotlin”
var age: Int = 10
### Data Types
- **Primitive Types:** `Int`, `Double`, `Float`, `Boolean`, `Char`
- **Special Types:** `String`, `Array`
val number: Int = 42
val pi: Double = 3.14
val isKotlinFun: Boolean = true
val letter: Char = ‘K’
val greeting: String = “Hello”
## 3. **Control Flow**
### Conditional Statements
val number = 10
if (number > 0) {
} else if (number < 0) {
} else {
### When Expression
The `when` expression replaces the `switch` statement in Java.
val day = 3
when (day) {
1 -> println(“Monday”)
2 -> println(“Tuesday”)
3 -> println(“Wednesday”)
else -> println(“Weekend”)
### Loops
// For Loop
for (i in 1..5) {
// While Loop
var i = 0
while (i < 5) {
## 4. **Functions**
### Basic Function
fun greet(name: String): String {
return “Hello, $name!”
### Function with Default Parameters
fun greet(name: String, greeting: String = “Hello”): String {
return “$greeting, $name!”
### Named Arguments
greet(name = “John”, greeting = “Hi”)
### Higher-Order Functions
Functions that take other functions as parameters or return functions.
fun operate(a: Int, b: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int {
return operation(a, b)
val sum = operate(3, 4) { x, y -> x + y }
## 5. **Classes and Objects**
### Basic Class
class Person(val name: String, var age: Int) {
fun introduce() {
println(“Hi, I’m $name and I’m $age years old.”)
val person = Person(“Alice”, 25)
### Data Classes
Data classes are used for holding data.
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
### Inheritance
open class Animal(val name: String) {
open fun makeSound() {
println(“Some sound”)
class Dog(name: String) : Animal(name) {
override fun makeSound() {
val dog = Dog(“Buddy”)
## 6. **Null Safety**
### Nullable Types
var name: String? = “Kotlin”
name = null
### Safe Calls
val length: Int? = name?.length
### Elvis Operator
Provides a default value when the expression is null.
val length = name?.length ?: 0
## 7. **Collections**
### Lists
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
val mutableList = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
### Maps
val map = mapOf(“one” to 1, “two” to 2)
val mutableMap = mutableMapOf(“one” to 1)
mutableMap[“two”] = 2
### Sets
val set = setOf(1, 2, 3, 3)
val mutableSet = mutableSetOf(1, 2)
## 8. **Extension Functions**
fun String.lastChar(): Char = this[this.length — 1]
val str = “Kotlin”
## 9. **Coroutines**
Coroutines are used for asynchronous programming.
### Basic Example
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
### Suspended Functions
suspend fun doSomething() {
## 10. **Lambda Expressions**
val add: (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y }
println(add(2, 3))
## 11. **Sealed Classes**
Sealed classes are used for representing restricted class hierarchies.
sealed class Result
data class Success(val data: String) : Result()
data class Failure(val error: String) : Result()
fun handleResult(result: Result) {
when (result) {
is Success -> println(“Success with data: ${result.data}”)
is Failure -> println(“Failure with error: ${result.error}”)
## 12. **Generics**
### Generic Function
fun <T> printItem(item: T) {
### Generic Class
class Box<T>(val value: T)
val intBox = Box(123)
val stringBox = Box(“Hello”)
## 13. **Type Aliases**
Type aliases provide alternative names for existing types.
typealias UserMap = Map<String, User>
## 14. **Properties and Fields**
### Custom Accessors
var temperature: Int = 0
get() = field
set(value) {
field = value
## 15. **Annotations**
Annotations are used to provide metadata.
annotation class TestAnnotation
fun annotatedFunction() {
// Function code